Tentative Agenda:
Saturday September 11 (!:00 PM to 5:00 PM)(4
1:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Outline of Conference - Deb
Endly, Hank Herlick, Ed Humphrey
1:15 Larry Bost, National OEC Program Director
2:00 Instructor Development New Book and Distance Learning - Ginny
3:00 Quality Assurance - Larry Bost and Deb Endly
4:00 Senior Program in Central Division - Deb Endly, Hank
Herlick, Ed Humphrey, Larry Bost
5:00 Adjourned
Sunday September 12 (9:00 AM to Noon)(3 Hours)
9:00 Senior OEC Development as we move forward.
Introduction what done for S&T and direction for OEC;
Gather input from Instructors - Chris Mo (Deb will follow up with
10:00 Larry Bost, National OEC Program Director
10:30 OEC Enhancement - Hank Herlick
11:00 OEC Distance Learning - Ed Humphrey
12:00 Noon Adjourned |