NSP Central Division OEC & ID IT and Instructor Conference

Saturday September 11 and Sunday September 12, 2004

Next Conference call Sunday, July 11 at 9:00 PM EST
Results of Conference call May 23, 2004 between Deb Endly, Hank Herlick, Ginny Rodeman, and Ed Humphrey.  
Tentative Agenda:

Saturday September 11 (!:00 PM to 5:00 PM)(4 hours)

1:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Outline of Conference - Deb Endly, Hank Herlick, Ed Humphrey

1:15 Larry Bost, National OEC Program Director

2:00 Instructor Development New Book and Distance Learning - Ginny Rodeman

3:00 Quality Assurance - Larry Bost and Deb Endly

4:00 Senior Program in Central Division - Deb Endly, Hank Herlick, Ed Humphrey, Larry Bost

5:00 Adjourned

Sunday September 12 (9:00 AM to Noon)(3 Hours)

9:00 Senior OEC Development as we move forward.  Introduction what done for S&T and direction for OEC;  Gather input from Instructors - Chris Mo (Deb will follow up with Chris)

10:00 Larry Bost, National OEC Program Director

10:30 OEC Enhancement - Hank Herlick

11:00 OEC Distance Learning - Ed Humphrey

12:00 Noon Adjourned


One large group for both days


First Draft of Senor Emergency Management Central Division Program - Ed Humphrey- due June 6, 2004

Talk with Chris Mo regarding her potential role in program - Deb Endly

Results of Conference Call May 6 between Deb Endly and Ed Humphrey.  Hank Herlick was not available.  
Topic List:  May use 4 concurrent sessions one on each topic.  4 groups rotate through the 4 sessions to have smaller class sizes.  
  • Quality Assurance 
    • Role of the IT
    • Need for regular Instructor Recertification Clinics
    • Mentoring of OEC Instructors
    • Quality Assurance of Basic OEC Courses and Refreshers
    • Remediation
    • Dead wood out of Instructor Ranks
  • Updates on Distance Learning for OEC 
  • OEC Enhancement Seminars
  • Senior Emergency Management including Division wide policies that each must follow - Division policy current.  
  • Chris Mo introduction what done for S&T and direction for OEC. - Gather input from Instructors on
    (Deb will follow up with Chris)


  • Updates on Distance Learning for Instructor Development
  • New Student Book
What we know:

Fees are $10 for Instructor Conference

Sessions 1-5 PM Saturday and 9 to 12 AM on Sunday

Ed will 

1) write release for Region Newsletters and send to Region Newsletter publishers.

2) get price on mailing to 1100 Instructors a single page announcement and invitation to the event.  

Deb will:

1) check out Southern Region SEM Calibration Clinic weekend of May 15 and report to group


May 17 for Southern Region news letter and likely other region newsletters

June 1 for Rusty Parka News article.  

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