Supporting Quotes
Republican Party
Personal Pages


Thank you for your continued support!

I was appointed after the election of 2008 to fill out the remaining 51 days of that term.   I am currently serving in my third complete term.  Here is some history.

Thank you and God bless.


I am here to serve you and to do what I can to continue to move Clermont County forward. 

I took office November 12, 2008 as I was appointed to an unexpired term.  I began my first full term on January 2, 2009, my second full term January 2, 2013 and my third full term January 2, 2017.  I am  working for each of you to improve Clermont County and making this an even better place to live, learn, work, play, and raise our families.

What Others are saying about Ed and his campaign 2012:
T.J. Corcoran,  Goshen Township Board of Education,  Trustee 2006-2009
Beth Nevel, Washington Township Trustee and Brown County EMA Director
Jim Rader, Councilman, Village of Moscow
Kelly Kolb, Miamiville Civic Association
Otto J. Huber, Fire Chief, Loveland Symmes Fire and EMS
Karl B. Schultz, Colonel, USAF(Retired), Miami Township Trustee


What Others are saying about Ed and his campaign 2008:
Joe Uecker, State Representative, Ohio’s 66 District
Barbara Bateman, wife of former Oho State Representative Sam Bateman
Otto J. Huber, Fire Chief, Loveland Symmes Fire and EMS
T.J. Corcoran, Chairman- Goshen Township Board of Trustees
Marion Croswell - Williamsburg
Ken Tracy, Miami Township Trustee

Mary Makley Wolff, Miami Township Trustee

Gary R. Cooper, Retired Business Executive
Karl B. Schultz, Colonel, USAF (Retired)
Kermit Beckworth Jr, Chairman Stonelick Township Board of Trustees

Bari Henning, Williamsburg Township Trustee

Angelo Santoro, Batavia
Tom Dix, Washington Township Trustee
Skeets Humphries, Stonelick Township Trustee
Terry Durrette, Former Mayor, New Richmond
Craig Rigdon, Franklin Township Trustee
David L. Kunz, Monroe Township Trustee

Jim Rader, Councilman, Village of Moscow

Kelly Kolb, Miamiville Civic Association



Elect Ed Humphrey Clermont County Commissioner


Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

Clermont on the move!!!!


Press Releases:

12-06-2011  Humphrey files to run for re-election - BATAVIA – Clermont County Commissioner Ed Humphrey filed petitions Tuesday (Dec. 6) to seek re-election.


In The News:

New York Times article on Automotive Plant Redevelopment - December 7, 2011 (Page 2 references Batavia plant)

Study Referred to in New York Times December 7, 2011 article (See pages 40 to 47 for Ford Plant Details)


Favorite Links:

Clermont County

Ohio Government

Clermont Chamber of Commerce

Milford Miami Township Chamber of Commerce

Goshen Area Chamber of Commerce


Other References:

Milford high school September 11, 2006 presentation

Grand Son's assignment

Email Ed at Ed@EdHumphrey.com 

To request a speaking engagement please contact Ed by phone at 831-0344 or use the email above.

Welcome | Supporting Quotes | Biography | Pictures | Republican Party

Paid for by Committee to Elect Ed Humphrey,
 Joseph W. Uecker, Treasurer,
315 Center Street, PO Box 143,  Miamiville, Ohio 45147
Home: 513-831-0344, Toll Free Fax: 1-866-328-0782
©Copyright 2007-2011 Ed Humphrey, All Rights Reserved

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