Ed Humphrey is a lifelong resident of Miami Township, Clermont
County. Ed grew
up and still lives in Miamiville with his wife, Janice. Ed &
Janice have three grown children, Doug, Gail, and Scott and eight grandchildren. After graduating with a Masters of Business
Administration, he went to work for Procter & Gamble as a market
researcher. He
retired in 1995 after 28 years of service. He then was a
computer consultant and trainer from 1995 through 1999 and was Executive
Director of CART (Clermont Area Rural Transit) and CTC (Clermont
Transportation Connection), the Clermont County rural transit bus
company, from 1998 through 2000.
Ed began his volunteer service in the township as a volunteer Fire
Fighter with Miamiville Fire Department in 1968. In 1972 he helped
form a Life Squad as part of the fire department and served as Chief of
the EMS for 12 years. After some time at various ranks in the fire
department he was named Fire Chief in 1987 and served in that capacity
through 1989. Ed resigned in 1990 when he was elected Miami
Township Trustee.
Ed’s community and volunteer activities include: former youth
soccer and baseball coach, former volunteer fire chief and EMS chief for
Miamiville Fire Department, National Ski Patrol, former assistant patrol
director for Perfect North Slopes, National Ski Patrol, former National Program
Director for the Instructor Development, member Milford
Amateur Radio Club, lifetime member NRA, member of the Clermont County Agricultural Society,
former member Red Cross Disaster Services Government Liaison Team, member
Milford Lodge 54 F&AM, member Local
Emergency Planning Committee for Clermont County, former district wide township
representative to Ohio Public Works Integrating Committee for District
10, former Chairperson of the Small Government Committee of that body,
former President of the Clermont County Township Association, former Clermont
County Township Association representative to Clermont County
Communications Advisory Committee and serving on Mobile Data Computer
Software and Hardware Selection Committee, served as Director of Milford Miami
Township Chamber of Commerce, served on Governor Taft’s taskforce to
review fire and EMS certification, re-certification and training,
former Chairperson of the Coalition of Large Urban Township (CLOUT) a
subcommittee of the Ohio Township Association, 2001 graduate of Lead
Clermont. Ed also
served as the chairpersons of the Clermont County Health District
Advisory Council.
During his time as trustee, Ed listened to the residents.
As a result, Ed has been instrumental in building
a first class park system in Miami Township. He has worked to
improve Fire and EMS services and police services through the township.
In 1996, Miami Township became one of 7 townships in
Ohio with accredited police departments
(among then 1308 townships).
Community Planning and managing the tremendous growth is a priority.
Ed led the way in hiring a full time certified Community Planner.
Ed was instrumental in moving the township to “Home Rule”
government. “Home Rule” allows the township to better meet the
needs of its residents by allowing the trustees more flexibility in the
operation of the township.
Ed has presented to the Ohio Township Association (OTA) at its Winter
and Summer Conferences as well as the National Association of Towns and Townships
(NATaT) on various topics relevant to township government.
Ed brought a business approach to township
government. Miami Township is the 17th largest township in among
the current 1308 townships in Ohio. Managing the growth of the township is the
primary need of this rapidly growing township. A township must
think of itself as a business. It must use the citizen’s money
wisely, cutting costs and improving the productivity of its workers.
Ed was appointed to serve out the 2008 term of Mary
Walker starting on November 12, 2008, when she was forced to resign.
He began his first full term on January 2, 2009. Ed focused on
core responsibilities of county government while working to expand
highway infrastructure to support job development in Clermont County.
The Criminal Justice System, Public Safety Services, Highway
Improvements and Job Creation are among Ed's top priorities.
The early years--
was born and raised in Miamiville, a small town. When he went to
grade school, Miamiville had it's own school district and Board of
Education. He went to a two room schoolhouse with two teachers. On
the right is a picture of that schoolhouse. The school was at
Poplar and Branch Hill- Miamiville Road. There were two rooms
downstairs and an auditorium up stairs. Small building just visible to
left was the girl's outhouse. The boy's outhouse was to the left out of
view. They were both octagonal. Early on, there were 6 grades in a room
with one teacher. By the time Ed was in the 6th grade, the
district had started to merge with the Milford Exempted Village School
District and had only three grades in each room. Ed went form a
class of three in the 6th grade to a class of over 100 in the 7th
grade when he went to Milford.