Primary Election is March 4, 2008 
Support Ed with your Contributions
  Yes, I would like to support Ed's campaign financially:  You can fill out the form below, print it on your computer, and mail the results or you can open and print the form below and fill it out by hand and mail in.

If you want conservative leadership in Clermont County please help Ed Humphrey. You can make your check payable to Committee to Elect Humphrey, Edwin H. Humphrey, Treasurer, 315 Center Street, Miamiville, Ohio 45147
No corporate Checks permitted.  

Amount of Contribution: **
Name: **
Address: **
City:**    State:**     Zip:**
Home Phone:               Office Phone:
Ohiolaw requires the following information:


Occupation:  **

* Required Fields *


Please make checks payable toCommittee to Elect Humphrey

Contributions are not tax deductible for Federal Income Tax.
 Corporate checks are not permitted

Processing may take a few moments. 

Print out a copy of the form below and ask your neighbors or friends to join in.  The membership form is in two formats. Click on the one you want and close the page to return to this form.:  Word   PDF.    

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Paid for by Committee to Elect Ed Humphrey,
 Joseph W. Uecker, Treasurer,
315 Center Street, PO Box 143,  Miamiville, Ohio 45147
Home: 513-831-0344, Toll Free Fax: 1-866-328-0782
©Copyright 2007-2008 Ed Humphrey, All Rights Reserved

Website created and maintained by Productivity Enhancement LLC 
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